CSCI 2951L – Crowdsourcing Assignment – My Assignment Help Oz

CSCI 2951L – Human-Computer Interaction Seminar – Brown University

Crowdsourcing is a way of solving problems that are hard for computers, by systematically subdividing the work to be done by a large group of people or tasks.

This assignment’s overall goal is to develop a complete listing of computer science professors at the top universities , along with metadata like their degrees, research area, year joined and rank. This is a hard task since the information is spread across department websites, faculty curriculum vitaes, bios, and other miscellaneous sources. It is also tricky for the workers who probably do not understand computer science or academia, e.g. vocabulary like ‘post-doc’ or ‘machine learning’ are not familiar to them.
You will receive $25 to spend on a crowdsourcing service, like Mechanical Turk, Crowdflower, etc. to generate the data. You may use any other crowdsourcing service but I recommend you stick with Mechanical Turk unless you have some prior experience. You can use an additional $5 for initial testing to help you debug your instructions and determine the right incentives. You can either spend and be reimbursed afterwards (easier), or ask for my credit card at the appropriate step when you create your account. My admin, Saara Moskowitz (546 CIT) will help process your reimbursement. Do not spend more than $30 regardless. Select 5 universities on the first 2 pages of the Computer Science rankings from US News to fill out (sign up in class). At most two students can select the same university.
When designing the crowdsourcing process, you may want to consider:
• What will be the unit size for a task? (micro-tasks vs macro-tasks)
• Is it worth identifying the skill level of workers, or filtering out bad workers initially?
• How will you validate the data, and what will you use as the ground truth?
• Will you have multiple workers collect the same data for redundancy and overlap?
• Will you make the tasks more fun? Provide bonuses? Hold a contest?
• How will you decide how much to pay each task?
Ensure you provide informed consent to the workers that this is part of a class assignment and potential research. You may use a spreadsheet like Google Docs, survey form, wiki, or any other tool for workers to input data. Your data should have these columns in this order:
Name, University, JoinYear, Rank, Subfield, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate, PostDoc, Sources.
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